
Companies accepting Deposits from the Public / “Fintech” Companies

Acceptance of deposits from the public
  • What are "deposits from the public"?

    Deposits from the public are basically liabilities that a person enters into with its clients. According to the Federal Supreme Court, a company accepts deposits from the public if it enters into obligations with third parties and, by doing so, itself becomes the repayment debtor of the respective liabilities. Art. 5 para. 2 and 3 of the Banking Ordinance lists a number of exceptions to the term of «deposits from the public». FINMA specified these exceptions in greater details in its Circular 2008/3 «Deposits from the public with non-banks». In the event that no such exception applies, liabilities as described above are deemed to be deposits from the public.

  • When is the acceptance of deposits from the public carried out "commercially"?

    The acceptance of deposits from the public is carried out commercially if a person continuously receives more than 20 deposits from the public or publicly recommends itself for the acceptance of deposits from the public (Art. 6 para. 1 Banking Ordinance).

  • How are companies that commercially accept deposits from the public regulated?

    According to the Banking Act, the commercial acceptance of deposits from the public is reserved for institutions with a banking licence. On 1 August 2017, this prohibition on the acceptance of deposits from the public by non-banks was relaxed somewhat for the first time. Since then, the acceptance of deposits from the public within the framework of the so-called regulatory «sandbox» has been permitted up to a maximum value of CHF 1 million without the need for a banking licence under certain conditions (cf. below: «Under what conditions does the regulatory «sandbox» apply?»). This reduction of regulatory hurdles is intended to promote the development of innovative business models in the financial sector, e.g. crowdfunding.

  • How has FinSA&FinIA change the regulatory framework for the acceptance of deposits from the public?

    With the FinSA&FinIA legislative project, a new Art. 1b was inserted in the Banking Act. According to this provision which is titled «promotion of innovation», the Banking Act applies analogously only to persons who accept deposits from the public up to a maximum value of CHF 100 million under certain circumstances. This revision created a new licence category with simplified requirements (in addition to the existing banking licence). Since the implementation of Art. 1b of the Banking Act also aimed to promote new business models in the financial sector, the new licence category with simplified requirements is often referred to as the «Fintech» licence.

Regulatory "sandbox"
  • Under what conditions does the regulatory "sandbox" apply?

    According to Art. 6 para. 2 Banking Ordinance, a person does not accept public deposits commercially if it:

    • receives deposits from the public with a total maximum value of CHF 1 million;
    • does not engage in the interest margin business; and
    • informs depositors in writing before making the deposit that it is not supervised by FINMA and that the deposits are not covered by the deposit guarantee.

    As long as all three of these requirements are met, one moves within the regulatory «sandbox». Consequently, one does not need to obtain a «Fintech» licence or a banking licence.

"Fintech" licence

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